Sunday, September 6, 2009

What a Summer!

We are all just coming up from air and we've been having a grand time.

In a nut shell:
L: "No more cuputer Mommy. No more cuputer."
M: "I'm sorry you're frustrated about Mommy's time on the computer, but needs to use it for work sometimes. I will try balance my time with you more and be on the computer less when we are together."

This was meet with much approval. And equalled me having almost zero computer time. A tough call for a Mom who is wanting to develop a blog, write more, etc. Ah well. Lincoln comes first and I'm getting better at balancing all the time.

In August Lincoln broke his arm, doing a nose dive from Daddy's drum kit. He chose a blue water proof cast, only had to wear it for a couple of weeks, was able to wear a splint for our awesome beach vacation in Rhode Island and is now visiting me on a job in New York. We are back to Mommy on the road for business, he is in school and spending a lot of time at home with Daddy, the kitty and the turtle and I miss them all terribly when I am away.

Life is good, the journey is incredible and I am happy to be both participant and witness.

Many blessings,
The traveling MamaMelly

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Thanks for reading. If there is anything you would like to hear about please let me know. Lincoln and I will explore it and post about it. Good times!