Zoooooom. Across the floor he goes on his Svan scooter. He hoists it up onto the raised floor of the kitchen area. Cruses in style to the low cabinet that stores his cups, grabs a cup, closes the cabinet door, manuevers (cup in teeth) to the fridge for the automatic water dispenser (which, as you know from a previous post, he is now a master), fills the cup, skillfully rolls over to his snack cabinet, takes a moment to decide what in the heck to do with the now VERY full cup of water...drinks some, tries to hold it and open the cabinet door without much success, places the cup on the floor, pulls out an organic smooshed fruit snack and the dasterdly jar of Vegan ginger snaps, closes the door, narrowly missing the glass on the floor when moving the scooter out of the way of the door, smooshed fruit snack in teeth, jar of Vegan ginger snaps in one hand, cup of water in the other, driving the scooter with legs only...ditches the scooter halfway across the kitchen floor, trots to his chair at the kitchen counter, places his stash up on the counter, stealthly scales the bar stool height chair, plops himself in front of his snack and then says, "Help me. Heeelllp meeee."
I, who have been secretly watching this entire process in amazement and not daring to butt in, pause for a split second to think, "Is he serious? NOW he needs help? Well thank goodness. I thought I was out of a job!"
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Thanks for reading. If there is anything you would like to hear about please let me know. Lincoln and I will explore it and post about it. Good times!