Every towel we own is currently in the washing machine. No kidding! Today Lincoln explored the automatic ice and water dispenser on the refrigerator. Many thoughts come to my head simultaneously: holy crap he's that tall, when did he get that coordinated, where did he find a cup, why is there a small lake in my kitchen? Then the Montessori teacher in me jumps to the forefront and we have a lesson on how to properly use the ice and water dispensers creating only small rivulets instead of lakes. This goes over very well.
We establish a low shelf for cups that he can use to get ice (he's cutting two molars and is crazy for ice at the moment...who can blame him?) We talk about and practice holding the cup just so, pressing hard, waiting for the last pieces of ice and drops of water to come out BEFORE moving the cup. It is stupendous!
Back I go to work on the computer and "lake in the kitchen the sequel" makes an appearance.
M: What happened Little Man?
L: Ice on da floor.
M: Yes, I see that. Help Mommy clean it up please?
L: I eat it like a puppy.
M: We'll let's skip that part since the floor is anything but immaculate and just get clean ice instead.
He's game and we mop up spill two together. I'm back at work, he's hard at play. Off he dashes to get a snack (we've already got an independent/self serve snack shelf with heathy snack foods that he can choose throughout the day...this works well for us both. He feels very independent and I don't have to serve food all day long. It is just MUCH cleaner that the beverage department.) "Lake in the kitchen part trois" is no where near as fun for Mommy and I say, "OK, since this is a little more difficult than we thought it would be, let's go back to you asking Mommy to help you get ice and water for a while. Yes?" And I press the button to lock the machine. the button that he can not reach.
L: Yes. Can you help me? Can you help me now? I want ice. Just ice pleeeze.
I happily oblige, after the joint effort at clean up and we're off to the races again. (Are you getting it why I have no dry towels?) Then it happens. My brilliant child runs out of ice, Mommy is in the bathroom, or on the phone, or doing who knows what and the part about Mommy helping with ice and water is lost in the moment of his exceptional idea. The step stool! That's right, with the step stool he can reach the button, unlock the machine and "Lake in the kitchen part 4" is born. I don't realize this right away. I learn it from this statement, "Oh, oh, Mommy, Mommy. I make a big mess, Mommy. I make a big mess in da kitchen. I funny." We'll at least we can agree on the big mess part.
The upsides, he's getting much better at cleaning up messes and that part of the kitchen floor is spotless...for now.